Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Have a laugh

Yay!! I've washed my hair :o) A small and simple thing that is sometimes taken for granted. I've not been able to wash my hair officially for seven days (unofficially I partially washed it on Sunday with a plastic pot over my wound). It feels so nice to have clean hair. I am now looking forward to having the stitches out on Monday and then I can stop picking.

Aj had her immunisations today :o( She's been pulling at her ears and off her food slightly, so I thought it might be another ear infection. She had a few tears during her 3 injections, but by the time we were out at reception she was all smiles. Unfortunately, the doctor couldn't see her straight away, so I had to take her back to the surgery early this evening. Both Aj & Pops were seen as they are nearly 7 days off antibiotics and both are almost clear of infection :o) Pops has slightly raised glands and redness on her tongue which the doctor feels is the last of a virus. Aj has raised glands, a snotty nose and her ears are slightly pink, but again it looks to be the last of a virus and she is teething. So for now, I'll be keeping Calpol & Nurofen in business ;o).

It's very bizarre taking one child and/or one twin anywhere without the rest of our brood. If I talk to someone I haven't seen for a while or not met before, I feel I have to mention that I have other children, not because I want to brag; but so that they aren't missed out of my conversation. It sounds daft to explain and I find myself doing it more so when I have just R or P. It is nice however when I get to spend time with R or P without the other. I love seeing them together, they are such characters - the few times they are apart, I get the chance to see them for themselves and not as a twin. The picture today is Pops and Aj playing whilst we were waiting to see the Doctor. Pops loved hiding behind her hat "like Daddy does" and Aj giggled every time Pops hid.

Peach hasn't had any work today, so we spent the afternoon sorting out some paperwork. Things that have been playing on both of our minds. For the first time in a long time, we actually sat down together and worked through it all together. It was such a relief and we both feel better for it. Suddenly things are looking up and we can see a bright light at the end of what has felt like a dark and miserable tunnel. :o)

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