Resting in the heat

Ms Ruby Throated Hummingbird takes a rest on the clothes line, in this humid heat, before heading to the honeysuckle. 

This extreme heat in the morning is now bringing us the afternoon thunderstorms with violent lightening.

I worked on my beading yesterday and did the earrings first.  They look okay but know I can do better and so after I finish the bracelet, I'll be taking them apart and doing them again.  This bracelet is an interesting pattern where I do the core then I work down both sides and them I get to work down both sides once again.  Hopefully I'll finish it and be able to post it as my blip tomorrow.

Last night our county school system decided our kids would be doing remote learning for the first semester due to increasing covid numbers.  I'm happy for the teachers, janitors, etc and everyone else that would have been at risk.  

Stay home if you can but please stay safe and healthy

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