By lizzie_birkett

Home Grown

I picked the first broad beans from the boat garden today - I just love 'em! We already had some from the house garden - they are ripening at different times which is good so we're not having a glut all at once. Every few days there are enough for one meal.
Tonight we had these with our own new potatoes and carrots and vegan burgers (well fingers really).
I love trying to be as self sufficient as we possibly can.

It didn't rain today Yippee! Still a cool breeze though but I musn't complain. We sat outside for a while - not long!

A relaxed day. After a quick vacuum and spray mop of the boat and catching + relocating about 15 wee spiders to the outside I read my book, cut some more squares and did a Codeword puzzle (not finished yet).

Frank took Bella out twice, riding his bike with her trotting along in front. The second time, they went to The Boat House where Frank had a pint outside by the canal; he wore his mask to order his beer and said it felt very safe and he was well away from anyone else. Though they didn't take his name and details 8-/. He wouldn't go inside a pub though - that's too risky.
I won't be going anytime soon. I'd rather have a drink at home anyway.
Frank said he saw 3 discarded face masks on the towpath.
That makes me mad!

That's all for now :-) x

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