Wednesday walk

Yay! It didnt rain ( if you ignore the shower enroute to meet up with my lovely friend Flavia 13) 
Parked by the motor museum and walked past Whitewater hotel which still seems empty.  Took a few photos then realised I hadnt put on the 18mm - 135 lens but my telephoto lens. So, a challenge to take the photos I wanted .Walked up under the railway tunnel which was wet, ( ok more of a stream!) But after that it was more or less dry for the rest of the walk. 

Quite a few trees had fallen since our last walk there a year ago . We'd hoped for birds for our Feathered friends challenge,  but the few we heard kept hidden. 

Fletch was good and could be trusted off lead.. Luckily no signs of deer. 

After a very pleasant walk we went to Cafe Ambio. Despite booking a table we still had to queue for about 15 minutes but once inside it was quiet and our table was well away from any others. 

Chance to have a good chat while Fletch snoozed  at our  feet. 
It was so good to meet up. I'm looking forward to the next time.

Plenty of roadworks on the way up so went home along the Coast Road. I love the views across the Bay.

Fletch recovered enough to want his 5 pm walk. There was a brisk cool wind blowing from the north again.  Have they really forecast hot weather?? 

Settled down for a Netflix night but the internet booster had 'un-paired'.  It happend last month. It usually takes several attempts to get it 're paired' and a glass of wine to fortify me. This time it only took 2 attempts and we were back in action. The curse of living in  an old property with 2 ft thick walls.  Apparently BT are now advertising special discs to prevent " dead zones" but  they are " not yet available " in my area. 

Thank you all for your comments and stars xxx

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