Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Natures art in shape of an onion. Greenhouse life...

I walked to my usual summer bus today. 30 minutes walk and my lungs wasn't particularly happy. I was, though... It was nice to take that morning walk instead of being half asleep on a bus with several others. 
My boss told me that a coworker at another workplace (within the Jobcenter) also suffered from difficulty with breathing and being tired. Having trouble to walk across the yard without being almost out of breath. A bit how I feel. My boss told me that she'd noticed that I have a heavier breathing now. It's good that she notices that. Then it's not in my 'imagination'. She also told me that the coworker had turned a corner and was getting better and stronger - which is positive news! 
My chores for today was weeding amongst the perennials. Something I've done before and it suits my health right now. And, I had company with lovely bumblebees! Unfortunately I manages to smack a bee... I was going to do like a wave of air, but this curious little fellow was too close to me and I felt my hand in contact with it and heard the sound of a rather distressed little one... I felt soooo bad! To my defence, I thought it kind of looked as a wasp... I realise later that it was a kind of bee that has similarities with wasps, and it sounds a bit different than a regular honey bee. Por thing... minding its own business and getting a smack.

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