Ok so I've fiddled, just a little. 

My lockdown walk with a Ramblers friend this morning, a lovely catch up and she came inside to inspect my building site new house afterwards. She and I are so different in many ways, but very similar in others.

I washed the settee cushion covers successfully, in spite of the instructions saying do not wash, and got them back over the seat cushions without too much bother.

After refuelling and doing a bit of shopping, I went out in the front garden to weed because they've really sprung up over the last week or two.  My neighbour came out, ostensibly to tell me when they'd be away for a few days, but really to talk rock climbing. 

He's climbed for fifty years or so, done loads of different stuff but had to stop four years ago because of a heart condition... and he misses it. Which just reinforces my view that you've got to make the most of everything, especially at my age, because you just don't know when you'll be forced to stop!

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