Jumper Boards

A wonderful morning, calm, sunny and warm.  By teatime, the wind picked up and started raining.  It's been heavy rain all evening. 

Another day working in the museum, and a busy day as far as the new bookings allow us.  Old school chums, Emma and Clair were in with their families, and great to catchup.  They are up for holidays from South, as it was meant to be our class reunion for our 40th birthdays.  Popped down to sister Laura's this evening, but no walks, due to rain.  Feet up now. 

I met mam and Elise at lunchtime, they were parked up.  As I glanced across the car park, I spied these Fair Isle ganseys on the jumper boards.  The Shetland wool is lovely and warm, but after washing, it needs stretching back into shape, that's where the jumper boards come into their own.  Taken outside the Shetland Textile Museum, Bød of Gremista, Lerwick.  

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