What season is it?

What has happened to summer? Wet this morning and threatened rain for the rest of the day. Now, at bedtime it is very very windy outside and it feels like late Autumn.

M was waiting  for his parcel so I took Fletch out . We were lucky.. it stopped raining. I called at the local post office but as usual there was a queue , which we joined but Fletch started licking and licking the floor!  ( what flavour cleaner does she use??)
In the end I dragged him away and came out and we walked up to the next PO . Dogs not allowed but no queue so I tethered him at the door and dashed in and out. 

We wandered over to the big green so he had plenty of grass under his feet and a lady started chatting to us. She'd been in isolation and said she still felt very nervous about going out after 4 months inside.  I just hope that all the folks who now are emerging out are not suddenly told to self isolate again.

 Back home and I decide to ' do my roots' . Musical accompaniment  today was courtesy of Amazon music.. hits of the 70s and 80s. 
Mike was pottering with the plants so I could sing along  happily without him saying my voice was flat.

Badger stripe gone and the  colour seems quite natural. Phew.

Netflix tonight. Re watching Norsemen. Spoof of the Vikings and a good laugh

Blip is of Ms latest acquisition.. a pagoda

Another wet and windy day forecast tomorrow.
Someone somewhere must be enjoying nice summer weather!

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