
I think there is enough flowers now?

Everyday-life continues with hard mornings. Very sticky mornings. I have had dour alarms waking me up and then a litre coffee is needed.

At work my laptop wanted (do laptops want or think?) to make some updates and I let it begin. Good heavens, it took almost four hours!!! Now it is happily in some new Windows 10 update and I habe my beanie ready. Could work only via mobile with my cell phone once and while. After the heavy update busy inventions and work for few hours.

In the evening I visited my step-mother's apartment, checked the mail and flowers and chatted with neighbors and called her too. She sounded very sharp and joyful, like never had had any steike at all. Walking is still hard though.

Back home later, I finished the new sauna beanie that you probably have seen earlier already!

Now only a sauna beanie test run is needed. I wonder and hope that it is not too small...?


Ps the Corona situation in Finland is that the amount of contaminations is slowly rising again. Officials are afraid that if this continues, we are in trouble again after a month. The rates are now same than in may... today 29 new cases.

Restrictions are not too tight, discos and restaurants are open and people are side by side there. Many are also travelling abroad if possible, but of course most finns have had their summer travelling in Finland. Anyway especially mostly young people (under 45) tend to get contaminated now. To wear mask or not is the daily issue.

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