A Perplexed Charley

Another entry into the AOG (the alternate Olympic Games.)

My grand-dog Charley was scheduled to run the 2-dog 200 meter dash. 2 dogs, a large Milk-bone biscuit for the baton...with one hand-off at the 100 meter mark.

Look at those long legs. Charley runs (and jumps) like a small deer, so she was really excited about the event.

"Where's my partner?" she asked.

"She's the one with the wheels. Charley...meet Dolly."

Thus, the perplexed look. "I love her wheels, but she hasn't moved since I've been here. I NEED A PARTNER THAT MOVES!"

Charley wasn't finished. "I just spent 40 minutes at the groomers. I GOT MYSELF GUSSIED UP FOR THIS?"

Charley left, Dolly went back into the garage. Officially, the team was DQ'd. Disqualified.

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