Inverness Railway station this morning.

A quick snap, that's not brilliantly focused (on that lamp), and the only photo taken today. So it's this or nothing! Herring Gulls regularly wander into the station. Cheeky buggers. Despite being a lapsed ornithologist, I've never been that keen on them. Probably after I witnessed the one and only Puffin chick on St Abbs Head's cliffs, being grabbed by one. It flew off with the little Puffin's two webbed feet sticking out of its beak. The now "former parents" were left in some sort of distressed shock. Not knowing what to do, as it happened so quickly,  and whilst they were amongst a large number of other auks. There were very few Puffins in that area then (the early 1980's), and I suspect there are none at all there now.

In to work extra early again. This time it was rushing for an early check-up appointment with the Dentist. Fortunately it was an all-clear.

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