Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Mown meadow

Warm and sunny Summertime is here in the early days of August and there's only one way to enjoy that; getting out from the house! 

It's weird to hear that the COVID-19 "batman" is still with us and that we again should think twice about meeting and greeting... today our PM addressed the nation again about new demands in social conduct... leaving our name and phonenumber with every restaurant- and pub-owner we frequent! Let alone that they have no staff to do this registration, these data they must handover to the authorities when someone infected was there too... so we all can be traced down by the authorities for COVID-19 reasons. But will they really keep them just for that reason?! No, this scenario of Big Brother Watching You is no appealing idea to me!

Thank you all lots for reacting upon my latest entries; much appreciated!

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