
By ayearinthelife


As we all get to keep our gym record cards at home nowadays, I thought I’d compare attendance last year with what has happened so far this year. Attendance in 2019 was around 15 - 20 visits per month and was heading that way in 2020, until it all ground to a halt on 20th March. Allowed back on 1st August and I’ve done 4 sessions since then. Providing we don’t get hit by closure again if there is a second spike, then I should be able get back to normal attendance levels quite quickly. We can only book 3 gym sessions a week at the moment but that’s not far off what I used to do - some of the visits in the figure above were to go swimming and that’s something I’m not too bothered about at the moment as I’d usually combine a swim with a steam and the steam room is still closed for the foreseeable future.
Had to adjust my programme a bit to fit it all in over three sessions rather than the four I tried to do each week before lockdown. We have been told today that we can book back to back sessions if they are not fully booked, as long as we go out for fifteen minutes in between whilst everything is cleaned. Wouldn’t be worthwhile at the moment (if I stretch the programme over two sessions I suspect I’d just take longer rests between sets rather than actually upping the amount of exercises) but nice to know for the future if circumstances change.
As I actually managed not to put on any weight during lockdown (didn’t lose any either!) time to knuckle down now and resume the good work I started at the beginning of the year.

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