Microphone Fiend

With the lifting of restrictions last month, our play is once again a viable proposition. We should be able to do a straight four night run to full houses (assuming, of course, we can sell the necessary number of tickets) and rehearsals can now proceed apace.
In order to help with line learning, it was decided to just do a read through today, but to record it so that the actors could then listen to all the other lines, at any time. And it all went very smoothly, with only one person - alright, me - missing a cue. Definitely a good thing that social distancing is no longer a legal requirement as the microphone was not that sensitive, necessitating a bit of crowding around, though everyone was very good and would back away if they had no lines for a while (but see “missed cue” above!)
It was good to hear the lines again - it’s been a while since the last read through - and I’d forgotten what a very funny script it is. Really looking forward now to adding movement to those lines. Looks like my Sundays are going to busy again, after an eighteen month hiatus. And as soon as the play is finished, it will be straight into Panto, so no rest until January. Still, the alternative was to be locked down and unable to meet up because of rampaging Covid, so I’m not going to be complaining.
And a big difference about rehearsals now is that I can go the gym straight afterwards (the new one is on the way home and open 24 hours) thus combining amateur dramatics and keeping fit in the same outing. Started as I mean to go on by doing a good session on the weights this afternoon, just having to cut it slightly short due to needing to be back home by 5.30 sharp to meet a man about a mirror. Now we have the full length mirror incorporated into the wardrobe, the old wall mounted one was surplus to requirements. It has hung around on FB Sell & Seek for a couple of weeks with only sporadic interest, so I was not going to miss out on a sale by being out lifting weights when somebody actually wanted it!

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