And here's the frog?

I kinda suspect it must be one of last year's, it's twice the size of most we see this year.  Can't venture out without seeing 5-6 of them.

I think I must have lived yesterday on autopilot.  I was thrown a wobbler by Thursday falling on a Friday this week when Jerra rolled up early p.m.  Up 'till then I'd shot that well known Atlantic blip - "ROCKALL!"

We did our customary wagging of the chins and wander and point. I didn't realise, until today, that:-
1. I'd shot nothing Blip-worthy, other than Froglet.
2. I'd also prepared it, "late on" but not published it.

I've now driven myself "Radge" hunting two SD cards for an exposure which is no longer there.
Convinced there might be a gap I edited the next best and when I came to put it on the desktop ready for Blip I was politely informed that 
"AAA 7th Aug.jpg already exists~ ~ ~" and did I want to replace it?

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