Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Afternoon light on snow

I do love the snow when it comes to photography..... although, still looking forward to spring!

I took this quickly while walking Diesel yesterday - my plan was to take photos last night while E and I were at El´s for pizza and film....BUT I forgot and so this is my photo for the day. As much as I like these snow landscapes, I also really like it when my blip reflects my day a bit more. We had a great time last night, easy, relaxing and I was also left feeling inspired by the conversation I had with El.....she is good at that :-) Both the boys and I love hanging out with them all :-)

Today is absolutely gorgeous - we just had breakfast and the boys are off with friends soon and I think I need to ski a bit, finish up some correcting and think PHOTOS. Work and life has been busy lately and I havent had nearly enough time for photography and the big picture. I miss my camera and the joy of falling into myself as I try to find the right moment. Think I will have to take out my camera today :-) Life is good - filled with good things at the moment. Feeling quite lucky :-)

Have a great day all - and I will probably be here later today with a yet another photo....I really do love what blip contributes to my life, some discipline, documentation of my everyday, a moment of creativity each day - both with the photography and the writing....nice :-)

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