The Victorians were very interested in the language of flowers with each flower having a special meaning and instead of speaking their feelings and emotions they used all kinds of flowers. Roses still have a meaning to people today with happiness represented by pink, orange and yellow roses while white roses represent sympathy and peach roses represent friendship but the most popular colour is red as it indicates passion and love.    Even the shade of red was significant to Victorians.  “There is a whole other level of meaning attached to the giving of roses to a loved one. The shade of red is significant, with deep red roses thought to convey deep emotions, a bright red rose represents romance and burgundy is often used to send a message where your love is (as yet) unrequited. The giving of a red rosebud is also significant, symbolising young love, innocence, purity and unpretentious beauty.”
The colour of roses has little significance to me personally and if I buy any my first choice is not red but I do like this one picked from a deserted very overgrown garden.

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