Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Negative Space

I had intended to work on an application today, but I struggled to concentrate on the task at hand.  I've found that in those circumstances it's better to change tack and do something else, coming back to the task in hand when things are better.

It was extremely hot and muggy by mid morning, we even had some rain, with BIG rain drops, which was a little frustrating as I had intended to cut the lawn before the wet weather forecast for the rest of the week.  In the end the rain stopped quickly, I got the garden jobs done and then quickly grabbed the camera.  I use preset profiles on the camera all of the time, one for when I use a tripod, one for wildlife/nature and one as a general walk around setting to capture most situations. I'd inadvertently changed the dial so this and the other images have been taken at a ridiculous ISO.  It did make me think that we've come such a long way from the early days of digital photography when a 6400 ISO image would be almost unusable.  

There's an interesting article by Colin Prior in this month's Outdoor Photography on the modern state of professional landscape photography.  Colin built his reputation using medium format panoramic film cameras, capturing expansive landscapes in Scotland and further afield.  He could make a good living from stock images and commissions.  This has pretty much disappeared as an income stream these days with the liberalisation of the market brought about by the digital revolution.  For many professional landscape photographers they now ply their trade by sharing their knowledge and experience on workshops and photo tours, but even that market is being flooded and the quality can be variable.

Day Miles:  1.8 miles. Total Miles: 1,012.5 miles

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