
By Missycat

Day 141 Limbo!

Today was yet again extremely hot and humid as our mini heatwave continues.  Mr MC , Violet and I took our walk fairly early this morning to avoid the worst of the heat and for a change visited Knighton Woods, where there is now a little nature trail of 8 cards featuring forest creatures to be found, as well as a number of dens.  Sadly there were no painted rocks at all but the dens were impressive.  I haven't put one as my blip though, as Violet chose her favourite pic instead: a tree which had fallen and rerooted itself at the fallen end making a great arch for limbo dancing.  Mr MC and Violet gave it a try, but I just took the photos!.  The afternoon was spent mostly in and around the paddling pool where grownups as well as Violet enjoyed cooling off.

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