
seem to have caught a cold from the grandson when babysitting - not too bad but feeling a bit rough, esp as I had a disturbed night as there were jets (prob Typhoons) flying over at some ridiculous hour.
I did go to parkrun but took it gently, there were a load of new people and not many men! (there was a hillrace in Fife that several were at).
As I got back to the house there was this wren flitting around by the door so I had to try and photo it. It's not the best of photos but it was taken through a wet window with the focus set at infinity! (that was for a shot of the only glimpse of the sun we had, also taken through the window). By the time I'd realised it had flown away but as you don't often get a chance to get pics of them I decided to blip it rather than the not very interesting sunrise - and I can't be bothered to play around for anything else.

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