
By fitzbilly

Mr Whippy

We popped into Ciren this afternoon to collect some tile samples for our en suite. First impressions are that we like them. We've hopefully now got everything sorted apart from an actual start date from our fitter. It was blooming hot (31°C according to the car display) so we went on into Ciren centre to the Abbey Grounds where I guessed there would be an ice cream van. Mr Whippy, choc nut cones, it had to be done. One upside to the pandemic is that it is very easy to park in the town now, even so the streets were pretty busy.

I realised yesterday how much more the daily blip has become part of our lives now. In the evening I noticed someone had taken down my Father's Day cards from the mantelpiece (yes, they have been on display since June). I was about to chastise mrsfb when I noticed a slightly guilty and very worried looking sparrow sitting directly below on the hearth. When he saw me he went berserk, flying straight at the window, the fixed part that is. With the help of a towel I managed to coax him out of the open window into freedom. I told mrsfb - her response, wow, did you get a photo?

In other news I saw the GP this morning as I was getting worried about a neck/shoulder pain which I have had since March now. She reassured me it was probably just a muscular thing and gave me some exercises to do. The surgery wasn't as weird as I was expecting. Gloves, screens and masks in use, but no more PPE than at the barbers really.

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