Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Birthday lunch

JR’s birthday, which started with an 8.30am Zoom call with our friend in Sydney, who has the same birthday. Then Elizabeth appeared at the door with a huge bunch of flowers - what a good start to the day. 

Robert took Archie out for a big walk, so we had a relaxing morning until they came back and he needed a bath and a brush (Archie, not Robert).

We left Archie with his frozen peanut butter stuffed bone, which occupies him for ages, and went for lunch to Prestonfield House, which is suitably sumptuous for a special occasion. Three delicious courses, ending with coffee and wee tasty treats. The grounds were looking as spectacular as ever, with the peacocks strutting around and flapping up into a tree. We had our temperature taken on the way in and sanitised our hands. The staff all had masks on, but the diners didn’t need to. And with the Dine Out to Help Out deal, it was Very Good Value.

When we came home, JR’s extra present (the main one was an e-bike) had arrived. She was, er... delighted! (Extra)

We wandered down to visit Rufus and his mum in the afternoon, for bubbly and more lovely presents. Fair to say, JR had an excellent birthday.

Scottish primary school (teachers) back today!

PS Archie’s Big Day at the crèche tomorrow!

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