
By Shutterup

Another belting hot day

A slight emergency blip find today.  Between melting down with the heat l have been trying to pack up to go north for a few days tomorrow.  I must say if it means we can escape this impossible heat then l am all for it. I have asked a neighbour to water my tomatoes while l am away.  The reason l never grow them is that they always ripen when l am away in August and the only reason l grew them this year is because we thought we would never leave home again.. and whats more we were lead to believe we needed to plant vegetables incase the pandemic reduced all our food... well.. l have tomatoes ... but unless they are watered I wont have any on my return.  The friend texted me to say she couldnt move for an excrutiating back pain today ... so may not be able to help out after all...this may be the last l see of them (after watering them in the m0rning) 
Do hope we get some rain.. l transplanted 23 lettuce plants today as well.. I hope the slugs leave me a couple at least for the autumn..
I dont like the heat .. it makes me feel horrible.. cross and itchy.. must be my Scottish blood and I haven't noticed myself glowing today... just pouring with sweat!!! RE Volting
Goodnight... it is thundering.. and the sky is alight with distant flashes as well as magnificent meteors.. take a look it is exciting out there!! (if you can get away from the mozzies who are clealy thirsty for blood)

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