
By ayearinthelife

Ramble On

Very hard to find a title for today that is a song about libraries (well, one I’ve heard of anyway!) so I decided to stretch the parameters and go for this Led Zep classic that references “Lord of the Rings” instead. I’ll pause the narrative here while you go and listen to it to see what the hell I’m on about.
Who would have thought that pubs and gyms would reopen before libraries? But that’s what happened, and it was only this week I could finally return the books I borrowed back in March. Possibly the first time I’ve held on to a book that long and not had to pay a fine!
I was a library regular pre lockdown. Mrs C has made the leap to a Kindle, but I’m more of a traditionalist and like my physical paper and ink. But with no library available during lockdown, what to do? Fortunately, I’d bought a job lot of Lee Child paperbacks at the beginning of March and that kept me going for a while. Then I went through our bookshelves and re-read some old favourites. A few of those were put back on the shelf to read again, but the majority went to the car boot box after reading (and were successfully moved on last Sunday! - see Blip for 11th August)
Will I go back to the library again anytime soon? Probably not. Their new way of operating is not conducive to relaxed browsing and I do still have quite a few books on the shelves at home to work my way through. But nice to know the library is now available again, if I do change my mind.

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