WI resumes

Another step towards normality, my WI has resumed.
This was the end of a busy day, which started with me putting all the laundry away. I then walked into town as I wanted to go to the market. I bought some trout - the fish stall sells the most delicious fish, and some strawberries - we have eaten all the ones we grew. Back home for lunch, then off to my art group. I continued to work on my portrait of Katy. I told Mr D I would call him if I couldn’t get a lift home, but our phone system blew up in the thunder storms on Monday night, and I hadn’t realised that our temporary replacement didn’t ring so I ended up walking home. When I got home, I had a call from my mother, who had been having a cataract operation on her one eye. She said she couldn’t see at all. She can call me as my number is first on her list. I called my brothers to let them know. Then, after a quick meal, I went to the WI meeting. We had a ‘get to know you ‘ type of meeting as we have had a lot of new members recently followed by a quiz. It was good to see everyone after such a long time.

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