
By HareBrain

Come into my ....

Parlour puddle; aaaaw, you know you want to; its better than just sitting about in all that misty rain; the water is quite warm and you fancy me really, don't you?

I did manage to get Mr. T to accompany me to Shrewsbury today and on the last bit of the journey for a bit of an adventure, on the Park 'n' Ride ! - thought he would like to experience another form of transport as he is getting terrible withdrawals now with not be able to fly!! He was not that impressed (unsurprisingly) and would have much rather have gone in the car, done what we had to do, and get home again. I thought it was very funny when the bus driver asked if we were returning on the bus together - Do you think he sensed something or was it just so that he could issue one ticket (party of two) and not two tickets??!!

PS. For the record, we've had a lovely day really. Home now, dinner is on the go, glass of wine to hand and equilibrium restored!!

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