Life through the lens...

By ValC

Attack, attack.

The starlings have at last found the new bird feeding station. I counted about 20 altogether. Many young ones.
We put it up on Tuesday, but as the birds have been without food for a week, it seems to take them a while to come back.
So far these are the only visitors.

We woke to a sea fret, although 70 miles from the sea!
Cleared by about 10am, but no sun. Nice to have a cooler day though.

Mr C was very pleased to receive a phone call about 11am from our dentist asking if he come in this afternoon at 2.45 pm to have his filling seen to.
Of course he could!
Our very charming dentist replaced part of the filling that had broken off, and his tooth feels smooth once more.No rubbing on his tongue.
She said she can only see 4 patients a day.
It takes an hours cleaning and scrubbing down after each one.
He was lucky to get the appointment today as someone had cancelled.
Glad we were not still at the caravan.

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