First Ripe Tomato

Wow! The difference in taste between a supermarket tomato and a home grown one is immense. The flavour just bursts from the home grown fruit whereas a supermarket one tastes of nothing.

Whilst I would not waste our delicious fruits I’d like to put our politicians in the stocks and throw rotten tomatoes at them. For a whole multitude of reasons but today I would cite the exam fiasco.

I quite understood that the exams had to be cancelled and accepted that Centre Assessed Grades (teachers’ recommendations) would be used and then moderated subject to the schools’ previous results. Sadly it doesn’t seem to have happened correctly, as the pupils at Bishop’s Stortford College have generally done far far worse than the historic records would indicate and 3 of Tony’s 4 A level results were downgraded from the CAG’s.

Tony got 10 A*s at GCSE, 3 A*s and an A in his mock A levels and was predicted 4 A*s. He was hugely disappointed by his downgraded actual results and had the stress of thinking he’d lost his uni place. In fact, later on in the morning Durham said they’d take him anyway, but he, and we, all feel like we’ve been cheated. Rather like being served a supermarket tomato when expecting a sweet and ripe home grown one. There’s nothing wrong with it per se, it’s edible, but it doesn’t taste right.

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