
By c1aire


The AOG2020 may be over but look what I saw this morning! 

It looks suspiciously as if Olivia the Octopus (see here) is in denial. I knew that she did not want the Games to end. But, (Mrs HCB might not like that!) to upend her octo self into a plant pot is taking "sticking your head in the sand" just a bit too far methinks! She also appears to have become green! Perhaps it is her "off the wall" look! Here's hoping we will see her back on the wall soon. I heard a young man refer to it as the "Graffiti House" the other day! 

I did not interfere, she knows I am here if she needs me and I am sure it will pass. 

However, I did hear quite a few "well wishers" getting all involved, as people do. They seemed to be saying "Hello Vera". I don't know why, do you? 

It is Silly Saturday and always will be! 

Wishing you all a good day, 

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