Mobility Scooters Rule

I had intended to post a photo of the flypast by the Reds, who were due to fly across my area at 1745.  The weather looked a little challenging, with lowish cloud and poor visibility, but I hoped that it would mean that they were a little lower and easier to photograph.  On that premise I set off to find a vantage point, but found the visibility much worse and the cloud lower in steady rain.  I should have checked the Internet first: all flypasts seem to have been cancelled.

So I used my backup from this morning.  There seems to have been a proliferation of mobility scooters in the village; one is used by a youngish chap who has some "anger issues" of some sort but who has been calm for quite a time now.  He buzzes around between his house and the Co-op where he gets provisions, including the alcoholic type, looking very cheerful.

And these two scooter-riders were visible on the main street when I visited the chemist's for some prescriptions for a neighbour who is at risk from the coronavirus.  It was going to be a colour collage, but monochrome looked less distracting, as is often the case.

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