The Starry Plough

Well, I have never seen anything like it! Today the Irish Congress of Trades Unions held a protest march in Dublin, speaking out about the economic state of the nation and the fact that we the people are lumbered with the private debt of a small band of crooked/stupid bankers which is going to keep us impoverished for probably the next 40 years. This despite the "deal" which the government did with the European Banks over the past couple of days. A deal under which the Germans win yet again.
And what have I never seen the like of before? Numbers. I don't know what the official figure was but I have never seen so many people protesting about anything. Particularly impressive was the turnout by the teachers. A sea of them wending their way through the capital and up to the gates of the parliament house. And will our glorious leaders listen to us? Of course they won't. They will dance to whatever Wagnerian tune the Merkel woman plays for them.
The Starry Plough is a flag which first appeared in 1914 as the banner of The Irish Citizen Army and has been adopted as the emblem of the Irish Socialist movement. If ever we needed a good dose of true Socialism it is now but unfortunately this thoroughly conservative state is unlikely to go that way. We would rather kow-tow to the Merkel woman.

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