Green-veined White on Verbena

Another night of tossing and turning with burning feet and twitchy legs, so I decamped to the spare bedroom at just after 4 a.m.  I obviously went off to sleep fairly quickly because I was woken at just after dawn by a bird in the gutter throwing leaves and moss down onto the conservatory roof.

I spent a bit of time in the garden this morning, cutting back a thug of a clematis and deadheading the geraniums.  I also cut back both roses round the front bay window and picked up all the fallen petals.

This afternoon I've swept the back patio, but we now have a thunderstorm and the patio is strewn with geranium petals once again, and JJ should definitely NOT have gone out to wash the car.

I am very confused with the way the health service/government have been calculating the Coronavirus death statistics.   Up until last week they appear to have been treating everyone who had tested positive but since died, as a Coronavirus death.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Now they are only counting those that have tested positive and since died within 28 days of that test.  Does that mean that if anyone has tested positive and then dies, in say a train crash, their death certificate will say they died of Cornonavirus?

Just being facetious , but I guess you know that.

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