Foggy Hills

Today is a work day for me. I did the wash. More importantly I finally, after months of planning, cleaned up my study. This is not a joke. There have been piles of stuff on the table in the center of my computer study since the middle of last year. And though I had the best of intentions I never seemed to be able to get motivated to clean them up. The table is behind me when I'm working on the computer. So easy to ignore. But now I have a big project to do and I needed the table space and an improvement in the chaos factor in my work space. So this morning I waded in and cleared all the papers and stuff. It took several hours to do it. But I did it and I am so very glad. Phew!

Now I have a big box of photo albums from the Bellingham Festival of Music sitting on my table. I volunteered to help create a slide show for next summer's 20th anniversary of the festival. The key word here is "help." But that isn't quite how it ended up. Instead I'm responsible for doing the whole thing. Sigh. Not exactly as planned but now I've accepted the job I am getting ready to do. Set up a new scanner that my brother and his lady found in a garage where they were helping somebody move. They didn't need it and neither did the guy who was moving, so they gave it to me. It is a good one and works fine. I love my mac. I plugged the scanner in, pushed the button and the mac hopped right in with a screen for managing the scan. Yay Apple.

As has been the case lately I didn't have any great motivation for a particular blip subject today. Luckily the fog patches on the hills across the lake inspired me to take some photos first thing this morning. Here is my favorite of them in black and white. We are so lucky to have this view. Press "L" for a bigger view.

Tomorrow Dave and Nora are coming early and we are all heading up to British Columbia to look for snowy owls. We all are hoping to get some photos of them and have a happy day together in and around Delta where they are supposed to be hanging out. Also Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary is nearby so we will probably go there too. Should be a good day for blipping.

As for the rest of today, it will be another quiet day with my sweet baboo. Having dinner together and watching something fun on TV.

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