
The day got off on the wrong foot. Or wrist. I have an alarm on my fitbit which wakes me every weekday at 7am. I woke up this morning and looked at my fitbit and it said 6.40am. Then I looked at my phone and it said 7.10am. So something had gone wrong with the fitbit and when I connected it to the phone it wouldn't sync or update.

I dug out Mr A's fitbit, which he stopped using when news came through of the google merger, charged it and adopted it. Hopefully all will now be fine. But the whole time that my fitbit watch said one thing and the phone said another had a really discombobulating effect upon me and the day never really recovered.

The weather was unbelievably rubbish, and eventually after dinner, even though it was not yet 7pm, I voted for closing the curtains and removing the outside world. I would probably have felt better if I'd had a spinning session (I did at least do yoga this morning), but I couldn't motivate myself. Now I'm just about to watch Ian Rankin at EIBF, so no exercise is going to happen this evening.

It was one of those days when I would dearly have loved to have gone to my office in order to draw a clear line between home and work. I found it hard to get going and keep going at home, but I guess things will improve as the week goes on. Especially if the weather will improve.... Let's see.

Anyway, here's the bird we painted yesterday and which we left outside to get completely dry. Oh well.

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