On this day 1999

17 Aug, 1999 - Turkey Earthquake 
1999 : A 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit the city of Izmit in northwestern Turkey one the country's most densely populated areas leaving more than 17,000 people dead and hundreds of thousands more left injured or homeless. The quake is one the worst to have hit Turkey and the city of Istanbul over 50 miles away was also affected causing many buildings to collapse.  http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/this-day-in-history

Twenty one years ago, and my second year in Istanbul. Aftershocks went on sporadically for weeks and we all had emergency bags by the front door, ready to evacuate buildings. School set up an emergency protocol which is still routinely practiced today. Building regs became stronger and many aspects of life were changed forever. 

Wonder what will be written about permanent changes due to covid-19 in twenty one years from now.

The photo is taken on my patio, where very bright sunshine generated really sharp shadows for Mono Monday.

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