Fishing in the fog

Today dawned clear but within an hour or so fog rolled in and I went from 2 to 4 layers.

My fishing mate and I headed back to just downstream of the Rakaia road bridge. If there were salmon heading upstream or milling around having a wee rest, they should have been where we were. But they weren't.

The light was a golden grey and it really was quite beautiful even with a limited palette. View large and you can just make out the lure.

We headed down to the river mouth. Not one salmon had been caught. And that's the way it continued well into the afternoon. For some reason they just aren't running. I think there was a run after Wednesday's fresh (as fresh is when pulse of water comes through the system after rain higher up in the catchment). There were salmon Thursday and Friday with the run tailing off early Saturday morning.

But we had an hour of pure excitement. Large Kahawhai were chasing small fish in the river mouth. We landed 5. They're big and powerful, not Salmon but I think Kahawhai is underrated and fresh it's great. It's the first time I've fished right where river meets sea. Even on a sedate day like today you have to be very careful.

My fishing mate didn't want any fish so I was left with all 5! That's a lot of fish. 2 have gone to neighbours as fillets. The other 3 I've smoked. It was quite a process. I smell like a fish (a smoked one) but I'm satisfied. Some of the smoked Kahawhai has gone to neighbours, the hunter will have one and I'll share some at lunch with my colleagues tomorrow. That still leaves me with plenty.

A very good day hunting and gathering. The cat might find me attractive but I really need to get myself clean and off to bed.

Yesterday's Rakaia bridge

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