Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Porth Nanven

We got away as early as possible this morning to avoid the usual traffic jams on the A30 heading west into Cornwall. 
Our 'get up and go' policy paid off and 2 hours later we were enjoying a great breakfast sitting in the sun at Trevasgis Farm, just 2 miles from the campsite.
Surprisingly the awning erection went without too much argument and the afternoon was spent on the beach at Gwithian trying to cool down. The sands stretch for miles and even though there were plenty of people, most were in the surf with boards.
Back to check that the awning was still standing and then a last minute decision to drive to Porth Nanven for sunset.
The lane down to this beautiful secluded cove is just about as wide as the camper van and with very few passing places, so my nerves were jangling. There are half a dozen parking spaces at the bottom of the valley and we managed to get the last one without having to reverse once. *phew!
Other campers were parked up, as is normal, but the National Trust who own the land, have got wise to this and a warden was there issuing notices that overnight parking is illegal.
After an hour when all but the last of the light had disappeared and I had taken lots of images, we joined the end of a line of vehicles driving back up the lane to  St. Just and civilisation again
Not sure where they were all going to spend the night as all the campsites seem fully booked.

Overnight we heard a strange screeching. Obviously a bird but I wasn't sure what. Checking later, it was a male Barn Owl, sometimes known as 'screech owl' trying to attract a mate. For anyone with a nervous disposition they could have thought that the Beast of Bodmin Moor was a bit off course ;-)

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