A Room With A View

Arrived at 1 got signed in ppe on and straight in to see C. She wasn't very happy so I told her there and then that Oxford was out. She'd decided that she wasn't going to Oxford in any case because she was going home. Didn't want to go anywhere else.. Lots of drama with the waterworks and it seems that she has thrown away some of her clothes thinking that the waste bin was the dirty washing bin, so new trousers and skirts gone, lots of underwear missing too.

I was upset that she wasnt wearing something so she didnt make a mess and had words with the staff. I also asked who could tell me what the latest was.. They were in a meeting.. OK I said write down the names of who I need to speak to when I get home because communication is not a strong point there. I also asked who Mr Burn was (her named consultant) I said I'd never seen him was he real?

I simmered down and sat down. Ten minutes later Mr Burn walked in and was able to answer all my questions other than if Amersham can't take her where will she go. He said they were looking into various options including MK. I asked about timescale but he couldn't say. Before he left I told him that altho it was a caring department that C was in, no one ever knew anything and I asked if maybe someone could update us once a week on progress. He said he'd make it known when I visited so that someone would indeed come around and give an update in future.. Well we'll see..

Home then after 2 difficult hours. The drive home was horrible and it was good to be home. First job speak to N then Specsavers about Cs prescription. She seems to have lost her glasses, so we thought we'd get prescription and buy on line..

Then I phoned Barclay card. Two hours later and still without help I told them they were useless and hung up. I need a new credit card. I'll tell you the story one day.... Hoohum.

A horrible wet day and nothing to show for it and sorry for boring you to tears

Night night


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