Green Shoots

.... well pink ones actually.    Colchicum montanum, a fresh flower, the first of the bulb collection to flower here in Wales. 

In truth, some of these flowered in Norfolk, bone dry, just as this one is.   I once encountered it in the Pyrenees in midsummer where I was alerted to it's presence by the crunching of it's dry foliage beneath my feet in a sun drenched mountain meadow.  I found some seed there too and still grow the plants that it gave.

There's an awful lot of work to do before the bulb collection is settled here.  It's not just the scale of the job but as I had three frames in Norfolk while here I have just two, the reorganisation needs to include finding new ways to grow some of them.  I plan to create a raised sand bed, the excellent drainage should mitigate the effects of the wetter climate.   

Since the frames arrived I have had two busy days at work in the cafe.   A day off tomorrow, another at work then another trip to Norfolk on Sunday.   It will be the end of the month before I can properly get on with the job. 

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