Raised bed number four

Paddy and Caitlin worked a little more on our garden while we were away on holiday. This is the third 'narrow' raised bed, and the fourth raised bed in total. I will grow vegetables in here (and not weeds, as is currently the case). The final raised bed will be of the same size just beyond the (to be created) steps up to the (soon to be) levelled lawn.

Today was one of catching up, with a bit more holiday washing and supermarket shopping. I also spent 2.5 hours proofreading our 2008/9 photobook (the funniest mistake was that Mr hazelh had turned one of our brother-in-laws into a woman) so now we can send our next order off to Blurb and catch the 30% discount and free postage offer which runs out tonight.

Exercise today: a little walking (8,444 steps).

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