Our Round Table

Yes, the thumbnail shows more rabbits. They really do get everywhere.

This is our round table which is American, circa 1906. Every so often it is refinished. Just now the top is almost blond and the legs are red.

The Chairs are Ecclesiastical in style. We know no more than that. They are also extremely heavy and decidedly uncomfortable.

The furniture arrangement is very sculptural, but I doubt King Arthur would have approved.

Pat put together this arrangement yesterday. I did the heavy lifting.

The Dove of Peace is made from Puerto Rican marble and it arrived in Scotland as cabin carryon luggage several decades ago. Again, I did the heavy lifting.

After our Fish and Chip carry out meal with the Dog Family yesterday, today we are having lunch here with "Big Dug" who is life long buddie of the Dog Family’s Puppy.

Apologies for the canine references to my Godson’s relations and friends. However, we did not make up the names. These were created by themselves.

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