
By DramaQueen

Aaaaaand relax!

What a day I’ve had, but for all the right reasons.

I worked again and once again was meant to finish at 2 but ended up working later to see the husband of my last patient. He was due another day but it seemed silly to drag him back.

Once the main work was done, I had a training session with my boss which was fab!
As part of our job, we have to complete regular CPD (continuing professional development) and work towards goals on our PDP (personal development plan). Most of the core subjects, although totally necessary, can be a little dry so often I CBA (can’t be arsed) doing them until I have to.
One of the things on my PDP was clinical photography. I take the odd photo, usually before and after whitening treatment but am the first to admit the images aren’t great.

So when my boss offered a training session, I jumped at the chance! He made it all sound so simple and we took turns taking photos of our lovely manager, with me following his lead.
He did have an ulterior motive to doing this; he wants me to take all the photos for our new patients!!
This is a massive compliment for me; for the first time (I think ever), someone has offered me the chance to expand on what I do, rather than just having me go through the motions of my basic scope of practice.
I’ve only been there for 9 weeks, so it’s good to know they’re as happy with me as I am with them and they’re making further plans for my future with them.

When I finally got home (via Morrison’s for a weekly shop), it was so nice to get my feet up and a g&t in hand :-)

DQ x

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