
By wrperry

Hummer Obsession

I'm obsessed with the hummers in my garden right now, as you might have noticed if you've seen my journal over the last couple of days.  In part it's due to laziness, since my feeder is right outside the kitchen door, and I can sit down next to my tripod with the cable release and wait.  But I've also set a goal for myself - to figure out the best camera settings for capturing these sweet little birds in flight.  I feel like I've done about all I can to nail the settings, but I'm not totally satisfied with the required ISO, which is creating noise.  It was a bright sunny day, so that wasn't the problem.  I'm starting to think the only way I can improve on that, given the feeder location (which is on a walled patio), is to add a flash.  I hate to move the feeder, because I can enjoy it from inside the house.  Now, a flash is another whole ballgame for me, and something I know little about.  I'm not sure I have the energy to delve into that right now - perhaps it will have to wait until next summer:)

Thank you for stopping by and following me on my bird-in-flight project!

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