We got wet again!

Sunday 23rd August 2020               (backblip)

Why does it always pick the time we are out to rain?

It had been dry all morning .... a few dark clouds passing by ..... but some sunshine too ..... so we decided we would go out for a walk!

We got to about the same place as last week when there were a few spots of rain ..... then it stopped! Great we thought & carried on!

Not sure that was a good idea ..... we got a reasonable distance up the road when it started raining again ..... this time it didn't stop! Thankfully it wasn't such a torrential downpour as last week .... just rain ..... but we still got wet!

Before the rain really got going I did manage to get a few photos ..... hope you like them :-)

Left: Thistledown
Top: juvenile Chiffchaff ..... hiding in the tree!
Bottom: Ash Keys
Right: 'Lords and Ladies' berries

Stay safe everyone :-)

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