The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Home sweet home

There was no way today could have been so satisfying photographically as the past two days having had Kingfisher Friday and Waxwing Saturday... Today became Sleety, Slumpy Sunday. We'd planned to have a snowy walk around the village via lapwing field and the local pub for a swift one, but the snow which they seemed to be forecasting for today didn't materialise, and going out in drizzle didn't appeal that much, so we didn't bother.

Had plenty to do indoors, but I don't know where the day's disappeared to. Hate it when the weekends go by too fast. Had planned to do a bit more research about Vienna, and read a bit more of my lighting book - seems I fall asleep every time I pick that up - probably because it's always about 11.30pm.

Although I've taken a few photos through the window during the day, mainly of raindrops on branches/plants, which I suppose were alright but didn't exactly grab me, I started to feel a bit togged out - wonder if I've just hit the photographic wall today... I went back to my meagre list of fall back images for when I get days like this - it's an image I've had in mind to try to capture for a while. It is one of those 'outside looking in' images that has meaning to me and probably won't be that appealing to anyone else. The warmth of the hallway felt very welcoming having been stood in the dark, on a damp mat in my slippers with icy rain spots blowing at me!

Stepping away from the laptop and will catch up on comments tomorrow. It's only a bit after 9pm so half a chance of reading a couple of pages of that book!

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