
We drove down to Portland, near Weymouth, where we are staying in a very quirky cottage for a week with Chris & George. The house is long and narrow with split floor levels and ridiculously low ceilings over the narrowest staircases I’ve ever seen. It’s interestingly unusual, it’s comfortable and has what we need and we have enjoyed a relaxed evening. The coastal path and sea wall are right outside the door and just up the hill a scattering of eclectic beach huts look as though they’ve been dropped in amongst the rocks. Today there’s most certainly an excessive amount of fresh air blowing but the forecast is dry and I am most certain we will have a good week.

On the way down we broke the journey at Stonehenge. As you can see I managed to take a photograph in a sunny interval and also in a gap between the people. Apparently only 2000 people are visiting a day at the moment whereas in non Covid times, there’d be 10000!

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