
Or is it a gazebo?

Whatever it is called this covering has been put up most years for a BBQ. One year on midsummer’s day it saved the event as the rain poured down most of the day. But not as heavily as today.
The work on the path laying was able to continue into the afternoon as we managed to tie the awning up to allow the slabs to be laid. This is it in its “overnight” position to prevent the cement from washing away.

So it still has its uses.

We did venture out in horrendous weather to a car showroom where we agreed a price for my faithful micra in a part exchange for a more modern car as we rationalise the family vehicles.

I might withdraw the description “faithful” as I later spent half an hour in the local supermarket waiting for the AA to come and rescue me as the car refused to start after my shop. The battery has suddenly died. The voltage was fine but the amps were useless.

So new battery bought a few days before the car is sold. The AA were excellent and quick so I was able to join my nearly 2 hour evening church zoom meeting on Covid consequences.

Bring on retirement !

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