all alone

Out on the bike again today.  Anniemay has challenged me to do two rides a week.  So while she's in France this morning with her virtual friends, I'm out in the real world of statues, joggers and delivery-bots; just the usual things you come across on the Milton Keynes cycleways (see extra).  

One of the delivery-bots gets into trouble and ends up stuck in the verge.  A little boy asks his dad to help it.  Dad rescues the bot and puts it back on the path.  The bot moves off then stops and turns back and says "thank you".  

These robots are a lot more polite than some of the people I meet.

15 miles today which is a few more than last week.

The statue/artwork is called 'Souls in Love' and sits next to the MK Peace Pagoda.

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