guilty secret

While the cat’s away …

I disposed of my collection of vinyl (and the means to play them) just before we moved to the new house.  Although I still have a number of CDs, most of my music now sits in my computer.  Which is OK, up to a point.

Unpacking the CDs I realised that I missed the whole listening experience - from picking up an album and reading the cover notes to actually sitting down and devoting some time to hearing what was on it.  

A consequence of Lockdown is that I now seem to have the opportunity to do just that.  But not the means.  The hifi system went too.

Again Lockdown forces a solution.  Anniemay’s out on a playdate with her gym buddy Anthea and I’m sitting down staring at the TV while I drink my coffee.  Not watching - just staring at a blank screen.  And it occurs to me that our ancient DVD player/recorder might play CDs.  Newer ones don’t appear to.

I hook it up to the TV soundbar and ….. it does.  

I test it out with the opening track of Little Feat Waiting for Columbus.  It’s a live album and suddenly the sounds of the audience are bouncing round the room.  Then a bit of classical and the Bruch Violin Concerto. Finally, I make another cup of coffee and settle down with the Beethoven Piano Concerto No 5.  

I’m lost in music for over an hour.  It sounds great and although the DVD player can’t display track or album titles, I can live with that.  It’s the sitting and listening that’s important.

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