
These purple cables being laid in the street added a splash of colour to an otherwise grey day. Parking was suspended on Heidi’s street so I had to jump in her Fiat Panda and move it to a neighbouring bay. It reminded me of zipping around in my mum’s Panda yonks ago, only Heidi’s is black and not fluorescent yellow.

Luckily I’d escaped at lunchtime for a walk around the block, and to replenish our coffee stocks, as the evening was a total washout. I think it is the only evening since lockdown was introduced in March that rain has literally stopped play. Although we moan often about the British weather, and I am a huge perpetrator of this, in Cambridge it’s possible to count on our hands how many times we’ve been truly drenched whilst walking or cycling. More typical is a grey, cloudy mizzle, but torrential is very rare.

Anyway, in a morose fashion I stared out at the wet evening like I was in some sort of late 90s teen romance drama. Then I ate a cheese sandwich (Gugs is away for the evening) and watched Netflix.

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